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Coordinates Converter PRO

4.4 ( 6864 ratings )
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Geliştirici: S.F. Applicality Ltd.
13.99 USD

The one and only professional tool that:

Displays your current position into your local coordinates reference system.

Converts any WGS84 geodetic coordinates to any local Cartesian CRS and vice versa.

Projects map points to local coordinates.

Calculates orthometric height from ellipsoidal altitude and vice versa.

A life saving tool for anyone needing real time local coordinates at the field brought to you by the experts who created the no 1 surveying application, Mobile topographer.  

Supported Coordinates Reference Systems:
- Wordwide:UTM.
- Europe: ETRS89/UTMZ28-38.
- Hellas: HGRS87 & HGRS87 – HEPOS & HTRS07/TM07.
- USA: SPCS83 (124 zones).
- Brazil & Central and South America: SIRGAS 2000/UTM.
- Brazil: SAD69/UTM Z18-25 & SAD69(96)/UTM Z18-25 .
- Iceland: ISN93.
- Morocco: Merchich.
- Romania: S-42(58)/Stereo 70.
- Australia: MGA94 (GDA94) (Current CRS), AMG66 (AGD66) (Old CRS) - National, A.C.T., Northern Territory, NSW & Victoria, Tasmania, AMG84 (AGD84).
- Lebonon & Syria: Deir ez Zor / Stereographic.
- Croatia: HTRS96 / Transverse Mercator.
- Serbia: SRB-ETRS89/UTM (current CRS) & SRB-MGI/Z7 (old CRS).
- Former FR of Yugoslavia: MGI Balkans zone 5,6 & 7.
- Italia: Mario Monte zone 1 West Peninsular, zone 1 West Sardinia, zone 2 East Peninsular, zone 2 East Sicily.
- Costa Rica: CM05/CRTM05, Ocotepeque 1935 Costa Rica Norte & Ocotepeque 1935 Costa Rica Sur.
- Cyprus: CGRS-93-LTM.
- Hungury: HD72/EOV.
- Kosovo: KosovaREF01.
- Latvia: LKS92/TM>.
- Spain: ED50/UTMZ29-30 NW (old NorthWest), ED50/UTMZ29-31 ML (old Mainland), ED50/UTMZ31 BA (old Balearic).
- Spain Canary Islands: REGCAN95/LAEA ®CAN95/LCC & - REGCAN95/UTM Z27-28.
- Turkey: ED50/Gauss-Kruger 3° Z9-15 (old) & ITRF96 (new) & ED50/Z35-38 6°.
- Luxembourg: LUREF.
- Venezuela: REGVEN/Z18-20.
- Sweden: SWEREF99 TM.
- Argentina: POSGAR 94 (old) & POSGAR 2007 (new).
- India: Kalianpur 1975 zoned.
- Lithuania: LKS94/TM.
- Algeria: Nord Sahara 1959/Z29-32.
- Armenia, Georgia’s, Azerbaijan’s, Estonia’s, Latvia’s, Lithuania, Russia Kaliningrad and Kazakhstan: Pulkovo 1942/ CS63 (A)Z1-4, (C)Z0-2, (K)Z2-4.
- Nigeria & Cameroon: Minna 1996 & 2008 West, Mid & East Belts & UTM Z31-33.
- Bangladesh:Gulshan 303/TM.
- Canada: CSRS NAD83 (Canadian Spatial Reference System) UTM zone 7N-22N, MTM zone 1-17, New Brunswick Stereographic, Prince Edward Isl. Stereographic, BC Albers, Ontario MNR Lambert, Statistics Canada Lambert, Alberta 10-TM (Forest), Alberta 10-TM (Resource), NWT Lambert, Alberta 3TM ref merid 111 W, 114 W, 117 W, 120 W, MTQ Lambert, Canada Atlas Lambert, Teranet Ontario Lambert.
- Egypt: Egypt 1907/Blue, Red, Purple & Extended Purple belt.
- Portugal: ETRS89/PTM06.
- France: RGF93/CC42-50 (manual & auto)
- Netherlands: Amersfoort/RD new
- Colombia: MAGNA-SIRGAS Far West, West, Bogota, Central East, East zones.
- Mexico: ITRF2008/LCC (2010.0).
- Madagascar: Tananariva (Paris)/Laborde & Tananariva/UTM Z38-39S.
- Tunisia: Carthage (Paris) / Tunisia Mining Grid, Carthage / Nord Tunisie, Carthage / Sud Tunisie, Carthage / TM 11 NE, Carthage / UTM zone 32N.
- Liechtenstein: CH1903/LV03C-G.
- Switzerland: CH1903/LV03 (old), CH1903+/LV95 (new).

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